How Does Fitbit Water Lock
If you’re a Fitbit user, chances are you’ve been in the pool or ocean at some point. But did you know that your watch can get wet? That’s right: Fitbits are waterproof and designed to work well in any environment. However, one feature that makes your Fitbit even more aquatic-friendly is the water lock! This feature allows you to track how much time is left on your watch while immersed in water (or other liquids), which means less time worrying about whether or not it will stop working properly when submerged under water for too long.
Fitbit is a popular wearable tracker that can track your steps, distance, sleep, and more. However, there are some situations where water might leak inside your Fitbit device. If this happens, you should know how to turn on or off the Water Lock mode on your Fitbit Charge 5 or other models such as the Inspire HR and Ionic.
How to Activate Water Lock on Your Fitbit
To turn on Water Lock, open the Fitbit app and tap the gear icon in the top right corner.
From there, tap Device Settings and then Water Lock. Tap the Check Box next to “Turn on water lock” and then the Save button at the bottom of the screen.
What Is the Fitbit Water Lock Feature?
Fitbit Water Lock is a feature only available on some Fitbit devices, and it’s a setting that prevents your Fitbit device from tracking your activity in the water.
Water Lock was launched as part of the new software update for Fitbit trackers, which came out in late 2018. Fitbit, with this new feature, could measure how many times they were worn while swimming or showering without having their data erased by mistake but only if they had been set up with an app that supported this functionality before then (like MyFitnessPal).
Keep Your Fitbit Working Well in the Water
- Keep your Fitbit away from salt water.
- Make sure to dry your Fitbit after use.
- Make sure to dry your band after use.
- Make sure to dry your Fitbit after showering.
What Is Water Lock on a Fitbit?
A water lock is a feature that can be used if you’re swimming or showering. It prevents water from getting into your Fitbit, preventing damage to your watch. How to Enable Water Lock on a Fitbit:
Go to the Settings page on your Fitbit app. Tap Devices. Select your device from the list of available devices. Go to “About” and tap “Lock Water Resistance” (or whatever it’s called for your particular model).
How to Activate Water Lock on Your Fitbit
To activate the water lock on your Fitbit, follow the steps below.
- Go to the Fitbit app and tap the “Fitbit” icon in the upper-right corner.
- Select “Settings.”
- Choose “General.”
On this page, you can turn on or off any activity tracking features you want to use with your device (if they’re currently turned off). You also have access to options for syncing notifications from other apps such as Windows 10 or Android Messages; setting up payment methods; customizing text messages sent from apps like Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp Messenger; selecting which types of notifications will be sent from these messaging services; adding new contacts so that friends don’t have access.
Can You Swim and Shower With a Fitbit?
You can swim and shower with a Fitbit, but it’s not recommended. The reason is that water damage will void your warranty. So if you get into the pool or go swimming in the ocean, remove your tracker before getting wet. If you go swimming and forget to take it off once you get out of the water, don’t worry you should be fine as long as no moisture gets inside (which means no dripping from sweat or rain). This also applies if you find yourself splashing around in shallow pools or buckets of chlorinated water on airplanes remember, don’t wear it while doing these activities!
Does Every Fitbit Have a Water Lock Feature?
Water Lock is a feature that prevents damage to your Fitbit when you swim or shower with it. This can be helpful if you take it in the shower, but there are other ways to protect your device from water damage.
If your Fitbit doesn’t have a Water Lock feature, don’t swim or bathe with it or at least make sure you don’t leave it on.
Change your Fitbit’s Clock Face
You can change your Fitbit’s clock face from the Fitbit app.
To change the clock face on your Fitbit to suit your mood, tap Settings and then Change Clock Face. From here, you can choose from one of different options.
- Time of Day (Hourglass)
- Colorful Hourglass (you decide which color)
- Traditional Analog Hourglass (you determine what color)
- Analog Digital Hourglass (you choose which color)
In the Fitbit app, tap the Today tab > your profile picture
To do this, open the Fitbit app on your phone. Tap the profile icon in the top-right corner of your screen and tap on “Your Profile.”
Next, tap Advanced Settings > Water Lock. In this menu, you can set a password to prevent accidental water entry while swimming or exercising (or just being near water).
Tap your device image > Advanced Settings
First, go to the Fitbit app. Tap on the device image and then tap on the Advanced Settings option.
Now turn on Water Lock by tapping “Water Lock” in your device’s settings menu (see image below).
Turn on Water Lock
To turn on Water Lock, press and hold the button on the side of your tracker until you hear a beep.
To turn off Water Lock, press and hold the button on the side of your tracker again until you hear another beep.
Make sure to dry your watch after use
Make sure to dry your watch out after use. This can be done by putting it in a bag or box and then leaving it alone for a few hours. If you don’t have time for that, there are also some simple ways to dry out your Fitbit Charge 2/Flex 2/ Surge wristband as well.
- Turn off the device and remove any accessories,
- Remove the clip from your wristband,
- Run water through the slot opening until no more water comes out,
Fitbit Charge 3
Fitbit Charge 3 is not waterproof but has a water lock feature. This can be activated manually by turning on the device and pressing the button at the bottom right corner of your screen.
The feature will work as long as you are within range of a Wi-Fi signal or cell signal, which means that it doesn’t work when you’re swimming or bathing in hot tubs or swimming pools.
Fitbit Charge 4
The Fitbit Charge 4 is a fitness tracker that you can use to track your steps, distance traveled, and more. It has water-resistant capabilities, so you don’t have to worry about rain or sweat ruining your watch.
The device has an innovative key lock feature that allows you to secure it when not used. This will ensure that no one else can access your data on the device unless they know how to unlock it first (or are super sneaky).
Fitbit Ionic
The Fitbit Ionic is a smartwatch that tracks your heart rate and exercise, and it can track your steps, distance, calories burned, and active minutes.
It has a built-in GPS to map your routes and an optical heart rate sensor to tracka how hard you’re working out. The Fitbit Ionic also includes some features from the Fitbit Charge 2: it syncs with other devices via Bluetooth 5.0; tracks sleep patterns through a sensor in the strap; displays notifications from apps such as Facebook or WhatsApp (it doesn’t support Apple Watch); has NFC technology. So you can pay at places like McDonald’s using tap on their contactless payment terminal (this feature isn’t available on specific models).
Fitbit Inspire HR
The Fitbit Inspire HR is an advanced fitness tracker for women, and it tracks your heart rate, steps, calories burned, and sleep. It also has a 5-day battery life, so you can use it throughout the day without having to recharge it too often.
The Fitbit Inspire HR comes with some great features that make it easy to use:
- A touchscreen display that allows you to check each of your stats at any time while wearing your device
- A built-in GPS chip, so you don’t have to set up any geo-fencing rules or alarms; just put in earbuds and go.
- The ability to change the tracking settings on the fly no need for multiple logins or setting up various accounts (although this feature isn’t available yet).
Fitbit Versa 2
The Fitbit Versa 2 is a smartwatch with a touchscreen display and heart rate monitor, which allows you to track your activity levels. It also has a battery life of up to 5 days.
The Fitbit Versa 2 is water resistant up to 50 meters (165 feet).
Restart your Fitbit Manually
If you’re having trouble connecting to your Fitbit, try following these steps:
- Turn off your device and wait for about 3 minutes.
- Turn it back on again, and then wait for it to connect to the app on your phone (or tablet).
What is Water Lock on Fitbit? How to Activate?
Water Lock is a feature that prevents your Fitbit from tracking your swimming activity. Water Lock can be turned on or off at any time and is only available on specific Fitbit devices.
Steps to Turn on/off Water Lock on Fitbit
- Press the button on your tracker to turn off the screen.
- Hold this button for 2 seconds and then release it, which will activate Water Lock mode and cause a flashing message on your Fitbit to let you know it is started.
- The screen will flash while this process takes place, followed by vibrations from your wearable device indicating that Water Lock has been activated.
What to Do When your Fitbit Charge 5 Get Wet
If your Fitbit Charge 5 gets wet, you have a few options for drying it off:
- Turn off your Fitbit Charge 5 and place it in a bowl of uncooked rice for 24 hours. This will help to absorb any excess water from the device.
- Wipe the device with a clean, dry cloth to remove any excess moisture and dirt from its surface. Be careful not to scratch or damage the screen when wiping it down.
If there is still some water trapped inside the device after cleaning, try using a cotton swab or soft toothbrush (for example) to remove any remaining moisture or debris.
Are all Fitbits Waterproof?
All Fitbits are water-resistant, not waterproof. Waterproof means it can be submerged in water for up to 50 meters (165 feet) and does not mean that the device will be damaged by water. Water resistant means that the Fitbit won’t work if it gets splashed or sprayed with water, but it will survive being dunked under a sink or toilet bowl.
A common question is whether all Fitbits are waterproof or if only some models are so-called “water locks” like our favorite one here at FitBit HQ: The Charge 3 HR. The answer is yes. almost all models have this feature built right into them except for those that were released before 2015, when we introduced our first generation of products containing improvements over previous generations, such as better battery life and more accurate heart rate tracking algorithms which make sure you get quality sleep while wearing your tracker.

What is Water Lock Mode on the Fitbit?
Water Lock Mode is a feature on the Fitbit Charge 3, Charge 4, Inspire HR, and Versa 2 that prevents your device from recording water intake data.
This is designed to prevent false water intake data from being recorded. If you’re using one of these models and have set up Water Lock Mode (and not just disabled it), your device will ignore any data collected while in this mode.
Manually Turn on Water Lock
To turn on your water lock, press and hold the button until you see a message on your screen. The Fitbit will also beep to let you know it’s working.
Manually Turn Off the Water Lock
If you’d like to manually turn off the water lock, press and hold the button on your Fitbit until it starts flashing blue. Then, press the button again to turn off this feature. You can also clear any notifications or alarms that a water-related alert may have triggered by pressing and holding down on both sides of your tracker for about 10 seconds (a few seconds longer if there are many alarms).
Charge Your Fitbit
To charge your Fitbit, use the cable with it to plug the device into your computer. This will allow you to sync with the Fitbit app and synchronize data from other devices. Then open up the charging cable and place it into a USB port on your computer or wall charger. The battery inside should begin charging as soon as it’s plugged in, but wait to disconnect it until you’ve finished syncing all your tracks! If this doesn’t work out for some reason (for example, if there is no power outlet nearby), try plugging another USB cord into one of these ports instead they’re different colors, so they’ll be easier to tell apart than metal ones would be.
We hope this article has given you some insight into activating the water lock feature on your Fitbit and ensuring it works well while swimming.
The Fitbit Charge 3 Water Lock Mode is an exciting feature that allows you to keep track of your water intake even if you’re not wearing the device. But, the quality is only available on the Charge 3. The Fitbit Charge 4 also has this feature, but it’s not enabled by default, so you will have to go into your settings and enable it manually. So far as we know, this is the first Fitbits to have this option built into their software, so if yours doesn’t, don’t worry too much.